Don’t forget, May could win this….

….social media explodes in the last couple of hours with the usual mix of people rushing to misunderstood assumptions….

Just a few that I’ve read:

“…good, vote her out and get Corbyn in…” from some one who clearly doesn’t understand the difference between the leader of a party and the leader of a government.

“…can’t wait to pick her replacement…” from a left-wing group who are unlikely to be a Tory MP, who at the moment are the only people having any say in this whole process.

Going back to the actual politics, I reckon she has a decent chance of winning this vote. The reasons are simple, if there were supporters of a single candidate who wanted to remove her, it would have happened weeks, even months ago. If it was a concerted effort to replace her with a chosen candidate that candidate wouldn’t have picked this moment, it’s no surprise the UK is (politically) where it is this week, they would want to get power well before or well after now…

Which means it could actually just be 48 (potentially plus a few) disgruntled Euro-phile MPs who are tired of her leadership. Are there really another 109 MPs who want this turmoil now? Or are there overall 157 (plus May) who will let her stay in the job until post-March 2019, do the Brexit job as best she can, and then look to replace her (as she apparently agreed to) well before the 2022 General Election….

….it’s going to be an interesting night….

The biggest problem with the UK opposition – they are easily led to the wrong conclusions

As my first post on this blog I didn’t want to do a bland introductory post, so I’m just going to jump into the politics. And the summary of this post is that there are a lot of idiotic voters on the left-wing of British politics that are easily led to what are obviously false conclusions.

Don’t get me wrong, the same state of affairs exists on the right wing to, but as I approach politics from a centre-right perspective, I find it easy to acknowledge the problems on the right, and get into a lot of arguments from people on the left who can’t see the false conclusions they are being led towards.

Take the recent Evolve Politics article: Remember the Newsnight “Vicar” who supported Theresa May’s Brexit deal? She’s a BBC ACTOR. By Tom D. Rogers – 29th November 2018

Since I don’t want you to click on the link to generate advertising revenue for this site, here’s the summary. One of six members of the general public who appeared on a newsnight panel on the 23rd November was a bit-part actress who is also a pastor in her own church.

Now Evolve Politics have reached the conclusion that because i) she supports Theresa May’s Brexit plan and ii) she is a bit part (and they really are tiny bit parts) actress, then she must have been a Tory /BBC/Newsnight plant to put positive spin on May’s Brexit plan.

Any reasonably impartial judge would look at her list of BBC roles (“drunkard” on Eastenders, “female beggar” on Dickensian, “Theatre goer” on The Dresser and a nurse on the Cranford Chronicles), all of which were in 2015 or earlier, coupled to the fact that she is head of her own church (I assume with a membership that hovers around the 1.5 level) and conclude that she is not the ideal stooge that an allegedly biased BBC producer would pick to support the Tories on one of their flagship news shows.

And yet I’ve been in debate after debate on various social media forums with left-wingers who insist this is a massive conspiracy and the Tories and the BBC should……well they’re not sure what they should do about it actually, but as a voter and a licence-fee payer they are outraged about…..well, something, again, they can’t seem to articulate what they are outraged about….

Which is where I go back to the title of this blog post. If you’re active in politics on social media and you want to get rid of the current Tory government, pick your fights better. This  particular storm in a teacup is purely promoted by Evolve Politics to gain advertising clicks. It will go away within 48 hours. Next week no one will remember the name Lynn Marina Hayter, nor her acting career, nor her appearance on Newsnight.

But it’s still a huge story on social media for 24 hours, despite the fact no one can really define what was done wrong, by whom, or why they are quite so outraged by it…..